Registration Form
Thank you for your interest in joining IOSF's fourth World Otter Day Webinar!

After the success of our previous three events we are delighted to announce we will be hosting another online webinar for World Otter Day 2025. The Webinar will take place on Zoom and links to each webinar will be sent nearer the time.

The webinar will be free of charge so that as many people can attend but if you would like to make a donation to support IOSF’s World Otter Day please go to 

The webinar will take place on Wednesday 28th May. There will be two sessions with different speakers in each. The sessions will take place at the following times:

Morning Session - 09.00 - 11.30am (UK Time)
Evening Session - 17.00 - 19.30pm (UK Time)

The webinar will include the following presentations - although, exact presentation titles will change:
Hiroshi Sasaki: Eurasian otters in Japan and their possible return
Saeid Naderi: The status of Eurasian otters in Iran
Nitya Navelkar: In search of Smooth-coated otters in India
Gleb Sedash: The status of otters in Kyrgyzstan 
Josep Xarles Ribas: Otters in Barcelona

Michael Salami Olalaken: Otters, conflict and community awareness in Nigeria
Dr Pablo Hernandez: The discovery of a 'new' species of otter
Elakha Alliance: The reintroduction of the Sea otter in Oregon
Eric Flores: Otters in Panama
Linda Wilinski: North American River Otters in Florida and the importance of non-disturbance and respectful photography/watching

All links to the Webinar will be sent directly to you at the beginning of the week commencing Monday 25th May.

Thank you and we look forward to celebrating otters together on 28th May.

Should you have any questions about the webinar please contact

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What is your interest in otters? (Choose all that apply) *
If you work with otters can you please tell us what species?
How did you hear about the webinar? *
Are you happy for us to contact you after the Webinar with further updates *
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