Application for Allotment of Hostel Room
Note: The information sought in this application form does not confer any right on the students with respect to choice of room/roommate.
Name *
Student Id
Name of a Student (of same gender and same semester) of NIFT Bhopal, if any, with whom you would like to stay
You would like to stay with student of (not applicable for Foundation Programme and PG Students)
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You would like to stay with a student who is
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If you are allergic to anything, kindly  specify
Would you be comfortable in sharing things with your roommate
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Would you like friends visiting and spending time in your room
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You are a 
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Are you comfortable staying with a roommate who studies with music on
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Are you comfortable staying with a roommate who speaks loudly while studying
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You would like a roommate
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Do you get irritated with a person who keeps the room dirty
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Please write a short message of about 100 words for your prospective roommate
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