Climate Adaptation Needs Assessment
Natural resource professionals need scientifically credible, relevant, and timely information on climate change, its effects on ecosystems, and potential management options in order to effectively respond to climate change. The Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science and Forest Stewards Guild are seeking input on key areas of uncertainty where natural resource and and conservation professionals have questions and science could be developed to answer their needs on a more local scale. By taking a few minutes to answer the questions below, you will be helping us to frame important questions and develop resources to help our community of practice adapt forests to the changing climate. Thank you for your input!
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In what geographic area do you work? *
Do you consider yourself to be...(check all that apply): *
1. What changes are you seeing on the ground that might be related to climate change?
2. What ecosystems or species that you work with are particularly vulnerable to climate change?
3. In thinking about climate change, what worries you about the future of your forests?
4. What actions are you currently taking to adapt your forests?
5. What barriers do you see to helping people adapt forests to the changing climate?
6. What additional actions should be taken (by you or others) to help forests adapt to a changing climate?
7. What climate-related scientific information would be most useful to you?
How do you like to receive information about climate change and forests? (Select top ~5)
Please check here if you have attended a listening session in person.
Would you be interested in hosting a field trip or workshop? If yes, please provide your name and contact info, or email
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