New Tech Institute HS 2025-2026 Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a New Tech Thunderbolt!!
To be included in the lottery for admission, complete and submit your application no later than December 20, 2024 @ 11:59pm.
Please call (812) 435-0967 or email with questions.
Thank you!
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Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student Middle Name *
Student Email Address *
Date of Birth *
Current Grade in School as of the 2024-25 school year. *
What School District Do You Live In? *
Current School You Attend *
Address of Where You Live *
City *
Zip Code *
Gender *
Student Ethnicity *
Accommodations (to help us plan for staffing). *
Do You Have a Sibling Who Attends, or Attended, New Tech? *
New Tech students work in groups often. Are you willing to work in a collaborative (group) environment? *
New Tech is based on Trust, Respect, and Responsibility. Are you willing to contribute intentionally to an environment of Trust, Respect, and Responsibility? *
New Tech students make presentations on a regular basis. What are your thoughts about making presentations? *
At New Tech we focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math all of the time. What are your thoughts about STEM? *
At New Tech we emphasize a GROWTH mindset. With that in mind, list and explain one of your strengths. *
At New Tech we emphasize a GROWTH mindset. With that in mind, list and explain one of your weaknesses. *
Working with technology requires high levels of self-discipline in order to be productive in this learning environment. Please include a 200-300 word essay explaining why you have chosen the EVSC New Tech Institute (improvement in self-discipline? growth in leadership ability?  overcome a fear of public speaking?) and include examples of how you have worked well with others. RECOMMENDATION: Write your essay in a word processing program, and then copy and paste it into this essay box. *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Parent/Guardian, please type your name to show your approval for submission of the application. We want to make sure our future students and their families are on board with the commitment to attend New Tech. *
Thank you for applying to New Tech!! Please email or call (812) 435-0967 with any questions. We encourage you to visit our website to check for our Open Houses.  Thursday October 24th 6:30 - 8:00 pm and Thursday November 14th 6:30 - 8:00 pm at our school, located at 3013 N. First Avenue in Evansville. Also check out our videos. Please type SUBMIT in the space below. *
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