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2023 Dayton PPD Food Vendor Signup
This is for vendors selling wares to apply for an assigned vendor booth location for the 2023 Dayton Pagan Pride Day, to be held on October 7th 2023.
Applications must be submitted via this online form: mail-in applications will not be accepted for 2023.
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Business Name
Your answer
Food Service License Number
Your answer
Booth Size
Cart Space
Truck Space
Description of items to be sold
This not only helps us try to avoid setting similar wares beside each other, but will also be added to our online vendor list, so short but descriptive will be helpful!
Your answer
Contact Name
Your answer
Contact Address
Your answer
Email is our primary way of contacting you and is required: this provides both you and us a written paper trail.
Your answer
Your answer
Not required, but then we can include a link in our online vendor list.
Your answer
Comments/Requests on Booth Location
We will try to take your comments and requests into consideration. Please note there are limited shade and limited electricity opportunities.
Your answer
Name or Email as it Appears in Paypal
Your answer
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This form was created inside of Dayton Pagan Coalition.
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