Survey for TIE-interested Schools
Thank you for your interest in Trauma Informed Education and TIECP. For schools that have built staff interest and school leader support for considering the adoption of trauma informed educational practices at their school.
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School Name *
Principal Name *
Principal Email *
City *
State *
What Grades does your school serve? *
Describe your school demographics *
Describe your school staffing *
Describe your current social emotional learning program *
Describe the partnerships you currently have to get the TIE related work done. *
Name the times in the school schedule to focus on activities directed staff (select all that apply). *
Do you have therapists and social workers on site? *
What is the staff/student ratios? *
Budget- How much do you spend on social emotional learning and how? *
Do you have buy-in from school leadership (principal, board), staff, and parents? *
Would your school be interested in committing to the work and at least a 3-year process (1 year planning and 2 years implementation) for a trauma-informed whole school model social-emotional learning program at your school? *
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