Thank you for your interest in the Civic Assembly on Youth Homelessness 
In July, 12,750 households in Deschutes County were randomly selected to be invited to take part in the Civic Assembly for Youth Homelessness. If you received a letter, there is still time to apply to be part of a lottery to become a Delegate to the Assembly. Delegates will address the question: 

"What should our priorities be for building community solutions to prevent and end youth homelessness?"

If you are selected to serve on the Assembly, you will receive a $450 stipend for your time. Fill out this form to apply or to learn more about the Assembly. 

Para completar este formulario en español, haga clic en este enlace.
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YES, I am interested in the Civic Assembly on Youth Homelessness. I received an invitation in the mail, and I would like to apply to be a Delegate to the Assembly.
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Invitation Code - If you have your invitation letter, please enter the 5 digit code found in the upper right hand corner of your response form.
First Name
Last Name *
Street Address
City or Town *
Zip Code *
Phone Number
Primary Language
Age Group
Highest Education Level Attained
My household...

Note: If the property at the address above is not a residence (e.g., it is a business) OR if this property is a vacation or second home OR if you otherwise do not live at this address as your primary residence, you are not eligible for this particular lottery – even if your primary residence is elsewhere in Deschutes County.
Which best describes how you most identify? *
Which best describes how you most identify?

Note: These categories are matched to Census data. Although Middle Eastern & North African will become a future US Census category, the current Census encouraged MENA respondents to mark "White."
Which party are you registered with? *
I certify that all of the following are true:
I certify the information on this form is true to the best of my knowledge. *
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