Register for FREE YOGA CLASS
VUPA ( Victoria University Post Graduation Association) is organising free Yoga sessions for the postgrads of Victoria university as a part of wellbeing program on 4th Thursday of the month from 11am to 12noon.

Please fill out the following form to be a part of this program and will see you in the Yoga sessions. We will share the zoom link with the registered students
Email *
Pick the dates you hope to attend *
Student ID *
First Name *
Last Name *
VU Student Email Address *
Mobile *
Are you a ............................student? *
Course you are enrolled in or ............year of PhD/ Masters by Research   *
You are enrolled as   *
Do you prefer in person class at City Campus, 300 Flinders Street, VIC3000. *
Why would you like to be a part of this program? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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