Campaign for Greener Arbitrations - Global Steering Committee Application 2024 
We appreciate your interest in joining CGA's Global Steering Committee.  Apply by completing the Application Form below.  
The deadline for applications is Wednesday, 15 November 2023.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address
Company / Law Firm
Country *
Please indicate your primary affiliation
Please provide your LinkedIn profile.
Which of the CGA initiatives most interests you and why?  *
Please share your thoughts on 1 - 2 ideas for new CGA initiatives or areas which you would like CGA to address in the next term.  *
Which aspect(s) of CGA most appeal to you for your involvement? (select all that apply) *
Provide any additional comments or information regarding your experience and interests that you would like CGA to consider as part of your application. (optional)
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