Voting/Early Termination Cards Request
Georgia Justice Project is pleased to partner with organizations and individuals who can help share these two-sided cards so that people are not disenfranchised due to misinformation.  Thank you for helping distribute these cards. 
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Your name *
Your email address *
How many two-sided cards about voting and early termination of probation can you help distribute? *
In which county/counties will you distribute the cards?   *
Are you a staff or volunteer with a voting outreach organization?  If so, what organization and what is your role? *
Can you pick up the cards, or would you like them mailed? *
Please mail cards to me at this address
Note:   You can also print posters, or request posters or signs, to hang in locations where a large number of returning citizens will see them.  See or email with requests or questions. 
Anything else you want to share with us? 
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