Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the UBI Movement; Opinions of UBI Advocates
In addition to the adverse effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the health of individuals and families, the lockdowns have led to enormous deprivation among populations. Interest in UBI as part of the solution to the problem has increased.
But what has been the attitude of elected politicians and political parties to this clarion call for a UBI to be implemented either as a temporary or permanent measure, and is it supportive of the UBI movement in each country?

The objective of this survey is to elicit the opinions of UBI Advocates from different countries, to assess the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the UBI movement in each country.

If you kindly accept, we would like to read your opinions based on the below given series of questions.
(June 9th, 2020)

The survey team includes; Liz Fouksman, Reinhard Huss, Ali Mutlu Köylüoğlu, Julio Linares, Annie Miller, Sheila Regehr, Toni Pickard and Malcolm Torry. We thank others who contributed to this process.

The results of this survey will be announced on 15th of September, 2020, Tuesday, at GMT 15:00, during the International Basic Income Week. The Zoom link of this event is;
Meeting ID: 860 2914 0378
Passcode: UBI4H

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1 - Your country:
2 - Your region (if applicable):
3 - Do you think that politicians and political parties have an adequate understanding of UBI?
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4 - Do you think that politicians and political parties are in favour of a UBI, which will lead to emancipation?
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5 - Do you think that politicians and political parties are trying to denigrate the concept of UBI?
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6 - Are the integrities of the characteristics that define a UBI being threatened? (check the corresponding boxes, if any.)
7 - Do you think that the UBI Advocacy Efforts in your country or region have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic? (indicate one option only)
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8 - Do you think that the UBI Advocacy Efforts in your country or region are moving? (indicate one option only)
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9 - What evidences are there for these perceptions?
10 - Have the political/economical measures sparked broader media or popular debates or calls, for basic income?
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11 - Additional comments:
12 - Your name and surname:
13 - UBI network you are a member of (if any) :
14 - Are you a BIEN member?
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15 - Your e-mail address:
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