Den Music Fest 2024 Vendor Submissions
Den Music Fest is a fully independent hip hop festival grounded in community and connection.  We believe that new music discovery should be easy and free from algorithmic influence, that hip hop shows should be safe and accessible for everyone, and that collaboration and community is what makes the culture thrive.  We are committed to uplifting independent artists who make great music, who are good people, and who provide memorable performances.  Our audience - fans, presenters, and performers alike - are creative, supportive, and values-aligned.

This year's event will be held across 2 cities: 
- November 2 in Atlanta, Georgia
- November 9 in Los Angeles, California 

We have a limited number of vendor spots.  Vendor fees are $75 per venue, not refundable, and payable upon confirmation of your participation.

If you have any questions, contact Nora at

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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Pronouns *
Phone number *
Business name.  Please write this exactly as you'd like it to be stylized.  *
What do you sell? *
What is the price range for what you're selling? *
What does your vendor set up look like? If you have links to photos, include them here. *
Briefly tell us about your business (75-100 words).  We'll use this in marketing and promo materials. *
Instagram handle. If you don't have IG, please put n/a. *
Twitter handle. If you don't have Twitter, please put n/a. *
Website. If you don't have website, please put n/a. *
Have you participated in Den Music Fest before? *
If so, in what capacity?  If this is your first Den Music Fest, put n/a. *
Where are you based? Please include city and state. *
Where would you like to vend? *
How did you hear about Den Music Fest? *
Anything else you'd like us to know? *
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