2021 Annual Event Directors Virtual Conference Registration & Survey
Please take a moment to complete the following survey. The information will help get a sense of what the industry plans are this year and how we can come out stronger. We will share compiled / anonymous results with those that have answered.

Included below is registration for the two FREE Event Directors Webinars that we will be hosting online:
- Tuesday February 23rd, 7:00pm to 8:00pm - Mitigating Risk Through Crisis Communication
- Tuesday March 2nd, 7:00pm to 8:00pm - Takeaways from In-Person Events

Limit of 200 attendees for each session.

Thank you,
Triathlon BC & BC Athletics

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Email *
Please provide your full name & pronouns [i.e. Jo Simpson (she, her) ] *
What is the name of your event? *
What is the name of your organization (if different from event)? *
Please indicate which Provincial Sporting Organization (PSO) does your event fall under? *
Which night will you be attending (check all that apply)? We are still confirming which speaker on which night. *
Subject matter may be revised in advance of the presentations.
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