QUIZ CHALLENGE: So, How Much Do You Really Know About Insects?
Challenge yourself to recall key moments in your Adventures With Insects, and find out where you rank in the Bug Hierarchy!
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1. This animal is NOT an insect: *
Hint: Read pages 3 and 13.
1 point
2. This extendable, flexible mouthpart works a little like a straw: *
Hint: You'll find the answer on pages 9–10!
1 point
3. Incomplete metamorphosis is when... *
Hint: You'll find the answer on pages 18 and 20.
1 point
4. These insects have young of a completely different form from the adult: (select more than one answer) *
Hint: Read pages 27, 44, 60 and 71 to find the answers!
1 point
5. What is the source of a firefly’s light? *
Hint: Read pages 22–24 for the answer!
1 point
6. Which insect does NOT rely on camouflage to hide from predators? *
Hint: You'll find the answer on pages 42, 57–60, 75 and 77.
1 point
7. The monarch butterfly navigates by using... *
Hint: Read page 47 to find the answer.
1 point
8. Cockroaches have been around on Earth longer than humans. *
Hint: Read page 66 for the answer!
1 point
9. The main difference between locusts and grasshoppers is their... *
Hint: You'll find the answer on page 68.
1 point
10. Driver ants feed mainly on... *
Hint: The answer is on page 79!
1 point
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