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Indian Canyon Two-Spirit Gathering Registration
When: May 23-24 Memorial Weekend
Where:1 Indian Canyon Road, Hollister CA 95024
What: 4rd Annual Two-Spirit Gathering in Indian Canyon
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* Indicates required question
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Address - Home/Postal
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Date of Birth
Are you Native American
Clear selection
If YES, what is your tribal affiliation?
Your answer
Do you identify as Two Spirit?
All Two Spirit and Allied people are welcome at the Gathering.
Two Spirit
Clear selection
If you have the knowledge or willingness to teach any of these Indigenous skills, let us know
Interested in Learning
Interested in Teaching
Traditional Music
Traditional Foods
Crafts (specify below)
Other talents? (specify)
Interested in Learning
Interested in Teaching
Traditional Music
Traditional Foods
Crafts (specify below)
Other talents? (specify)
Clear selection
Your answer
What will you be bringing to Friday's potluck dinner?
If you will not be present for the potluck, please leave this question blank.
Your answer
What will you be bringing to Saturday's potluck lunch?
If you will not be present for the potluck, please leave this question blank.
Your answer
Do you have interests in performing in a Talent Show?
I have tech skills to offer
Yes (describe below)
I will watch
If you plan to perform in the Talent Show, please describe your performance below.
Your answer
Are you interested in volunteering?
Yes, anything
Set-Up Friday Evening/ Saturday Morning
Assisting with meal preparations
Fire tender
Clean up
Compost - Recycle - Management
If you have any dietary restrictions, please describe in the box below.
Your answer
Emergency Contact Name
Your answer
Emergency Contact Telephone
Your answer
When will you be arriving?
Please give us your best guess, to assist with meal planning.
Friday afternoon (3-7pm)
Friday evening (7-10pm)
Saturday morning (8am-12pm)
Saturday afternoon (12pm-5pm
Saturday evening (5-10pm
Sunday morning (8am-12pm)
When will you be departing?
Please give us your best guess, to assist with meal planning.
Saturday morning (8am-12pm)
Saturday afternoon (12pm-5pm)
Saturday evening (5-10pm)
Sunday morning (8am-12pm)
Sunday afternoon (12pm-5pm)
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