ASABE Student Membership Survey
The ASABE Board of Trustees has charged a task force to study student involvement in the Society and develop opportunities to improve the Society's overall retention and engagement of student members.  The following questions are meant to help to guide the efforts of this task force and help it to focus on the appropriate issues, strengths, and weaknesses of the ASABE experience for students.
Your feedback is appreciated and will allow ASABE to work towards improving the student membership experience and continuing to cultivate and retain this valuable group of members. Please complete this quick survey and let us know your thoughts.  Unless otherwise noted in the question(s), the membership involvement that we are asking about pertains to activity on the (inter)national level outside of student branch activity.  Your answers will be confidential, and you will have the opportunity to share your contact information if you would like.  

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Email *
University/School Name
Expected Graduation Date *
What is your technical area interest? (Check all that apply) *
Why are you an ASABE member - why did you join or renew your membership? *
Are you a dues-paying member of your university student chapter? Or just a national ASABE member (you do not participate in student branch activities)? *
Which Society events are you most likely to attend? *
Why do students choose not to become members of ASABE, both at the student branch level and/or at the national level? *
What services/actions does ASABE currently offer that improve the student membership value and experience? *
Please rank these ASABE student member benefits in your order of importance/value (1 = high, 10 = low): *
Career Planning
Technical Information
Member Activities
Service Opportunities
Exam Preparation Resources
Networking Opportunities
What services/actions could ASABE do better for students? *
Would you have joined ASABE if the student membership had not been free? *
Traditionally, ASABE student dues have been $25. Does ASABE provide enough member value for that cost? *
Do you foresee becoming a full paying member upon graduation - why or why not? *
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