Parent Referral Form 2024-2025
This form is for parents/guardians to request counseling services for students. Any information shared in this form is for the use of the school counselor and will NOT be kept in the any cumulative files. If the basis for your referral is to report any abuse, neglect, or intent to harm, you are urged to contact the Department of Children's Services at 877-237-0004.  Thank you for helping us better serve our students.
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Email *
Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Grade Level *
What category best describes your child's need? *
Please share in a few sentences any background information that initiated this referral. *
I would like the school counselor to *
Parent/Guardian name *
Please provide the best way to reach you. (Ex. provide telephone number or email) *
Is there anything else you need the school counselor to know?
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