Out of the Cave Student Survey and Contract
Our work together this semester will be as effective as each of your individual preparations and attentive presence in class allow.  By joining this course, you are signing up to become part of a community of scholars.  Please complete and submit this form to provide me with important information about access to materials for this course and to demonstrate your commitment to the course.  Remember to save your answers, which will automatically be sent to the email address you provide.  You will look back on your responses at the end of the semester.  Your response here will read only by the faculty, Jody Valentine. Please email me with any questions or concerns: jody.valentine@pomona.edu.
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Email *
Your Name and Preferred Pronouns *
School Email & Preferred Alternate Contact Info (Second Email, Phone Number, etc.) *
Please List (1) Your Home College, (2) Your Year, (3) Your Major, and (4) Your favorite subject outside of your major: *
Have you taken any courses with Prof. Valentine in the past?  If so, what course and during which term? *
Zoom, Tech, and Internet Access *
We will use Zoom to meet weekly in this class. Do you have access to a computer with a webcam and microphone?  Do you have reasonably good internet service?  Do you have questions or concerns about the technology needed for this course?  If your answer to any part of the above questions was "no," have you reached out to your home college for help?  If so, who did you contact and what was their response?  If not, I recommend that you do -- and please keep me posted about how it goes.
Where will you be living for fall 2020?  Do you have a comfortable, private, quiet place to work and join synchronous class sessions?  
What Time Zone will you be In? When It Is 12:00 Noon In Claremont, what time is it where you are? * *
Is there anything else that may negatively impact your experience this semester that you can tell me about now?
Why did you join this course?  Briefly describe one or two of your interests that your work in this course might develop. *
What are your aims for yourself in this course?  Where do your aims overlap with or differ from the stated aims of the course? *
Please have a look at the roster or STUDENT SITES page of the website to see a list of our class cohort.  Let me know if there is anyone you prefer *not* to be with in a group with.  (Reminder that your response will not be shared.)
Is there anything else that you'd like me to know?
Please enter the date below as your signature, which signals your commitment to our work together.  Thank you and welcome!   *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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