Tell Us About Your Telecoms Experience in Nigeria (Win Up to 5,000 Naira Airtime)
Please, help us make an impact by participating in this quick survey about Telecommunication in Nigeria.  Share your thoughts on Telecoms in 2 minutes and stand a chance to win up to 5,000 Naira airtime! (T&C Apply)

This quick survey asks about your mobile usage, preferred plans, and overall Telecoms experience. Your sincere responses will help us provide better Telecoms services.
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By filling this form, you consent to receive emails from BillyRonks about [products, services, or updates]. You can unsubscribe at any time. *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Which mobile network do you currently use the most? *
How satisfied are you with your current mobile network provider? *
How often do you experience network outage with your mobile network provider? *
What is your primary use for mobile data? *
How would you rate the internet speed of your mobile network? *
How affordable do you find the mobile data plans offered by provider? *
What improvement would you like to see in your mobile network provider's services? *
Have you used any customer support service from your mobile network provider in the last six months? *
If yes, how satisfied were you with the customer support you received?
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How likely are you to recommend your mobile network provider to friends and family? *
How did you hear about this survey
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If you were referred, can you share the first name and last name of the person who shared our link with you?
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