MOBC Social Media Graphics (Flyer) Form

Please complete the form with all relevant information for the construction of a flyer, graphic or video annoucement.

All flyers and graphics will be submitted to the assigned ministry contact person and the Pastoral office within 30 days from the date that the request was submitted. We cannot guarantee anything faster that this time frame.

Video Annoucement requests will be submitted within 30 days from the date the request is submitted. Further conversation and accommodations may be required for details concerning the video. All Video announcements are pre-recorded on the Thursday prior to the Sunday of the annoucement and will only run for two consecutive Sundays. Please consider all of this when planning to submit a request.

Please be mindful of how much information you want to include on your social media post. We DO NOT want to overwhelm our social media audience with too much information. If the Social Media & Connections Ministry feels the amount of information is too overwhelming, we will submit modifications to the ministry contact person and Pastoral office. 

Thank you!

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What type of graphic is being requested? *
What is the name of the ministry requesting this graphic? *
Who is the servant leader or point person we need to be in contact with if we have questions about details? Please provide your full name, phone number, and email address. *
What is the date of the event? *
What time does the event begin? *
What time does the event end? *
Where is the event being held?
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Upon approval of the graphic from the Social Media & Connections office, when would you like us to begin posting the graphic on social media? (Please give at least 10 business days from the time the request was submitted) *
How many times are you expecting this flyer to be posted on our social media pages? *
Is there any specific verbiage or information that needs to be included on the social media posts and/or the flyer? If yes, please submit information. (Please be mindful of how much information you want to include. We DO NOT want to overwhelm our social media audience with too much information.) Thank you *
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