Open Beit Midrash
The next session of Open Beit Midrash is Aug. 8-Sept. 26. Please sign up for the class(es) you would like to attend. The classes will be held on Zoom. There is no charge but registration is required. NEW THIS YEAR: If you plan to attend for the whole year, please note that at the bottom and you will automatically be registered in each session of classes.  
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Jewish Ethics and Morals in Today's World
10-11 a.m. Thursdays, Aug. 8-Sept. 26
What are the 613 Mitzvot and Why Are They Important in Today's World? 
11 a.m.-12 p.m. Aug. 8-Sept. 26
Please automatically sign me up for all Open Beit Midrash classes  for Fall 2024-Spring 2025.  *
Please share any questions or comments here. 
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