Helsinki-Dublin Residency Exchange 2024
An open call for Finnish and Finland-based artists for a two-month residency at Temple Bar Gallery + Studios, Dublin in February-March 2024.

More information about the open call:

* Using this application form, you can provide links to an online portfolio and/or work samples. If you wish to upload materials instead, then please use this form (requires signing in with a Google account): *

The deadline for the applications is Tuesday, October 31st, 2023 (11:59 pm, GMT +3).
Đăng nhập vào Google để lưu tiến trình của bạn. Tìm hiểu thêm
Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
Postal address *
Country of residence *
Professional background *
Please provide a short bio and let us know about your education and dearest professional achievements.
CV *
Motivation statement *
Please tell us about your motivation to take up the residency.
Work plan (optional)
A brief description of the professional activities you plan to undertake during your residency (optional)
Online portfolio / Work samples *
Links to an online portfolio and/or work samples. Please make sure that the links do not expire before you have received the decision of the jury. If you wish to upload files instead, please use the other form (see the instructions).
Xóa hết câu trả lời
Không bao giờ gửi mật khẩu thông qua Google Biểu mẫu.
Biểu mẫu này đã được tạo ra bên trong HIAP. Báo cáo Lạm dụng