Special Plate NOMINATIONS for 2025-2027
Hello U.U. Family,

In 2022, we committed ourselves to grow into partnership with eight organizations over three years: Reading Public Library, Planned Parenthood, South of Penn, LGBT Center of Greater Reading, Berks Stands UP, Helping Harvest, Safe Berks, Berks Coalition to End  Homelessness. We will continue to work on that commitment.

We now want to add TWO MORE organizations for a total of ten from 2025-2027. Please suggest and nominate other local nonprofit organizations (501-C3) you would like to see First UU Berks partner with over the next three years.  We will research and present candidates for your vote at the December Congregational Meeting.

Please respond by midnight on Sunday, October 6, 2024

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First UU Church Special Plate Partners - Collections
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