Jarena Lee Preaching Academy Application
Thank you for your interest in the Jarena Lee Preaching Academy 4.0!!! The Academy will be held June 14-20, 2020 at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio. THE APPLICATION DEADLINE IS MONDAY, APRIL 1, 2019.

PLEASE NOTE: This program is the only one of WomanPreach! Inc.'s programs that is specifically for Black women. (This includes Black women throughout the African diaspora: African, African American, Afro-Latinx, etc.) Non-Black POC women and Non-POC women will not be considered for admission to the Academy.

This form includes application questions. **Please be sure to read through the entire application to ensure you have time to complete it. YOUR ANSWERS WILL NOT BE SAVED IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE AND SUBMIT THE FORM. It may help to type your answers in a Word document and copy and paste them to this form.**

There is a $50, non-refundable application fee.

Each applicant MUST submit two letters of recommendation. Please send your letters of recommendation to programs@womanpreach.org with the subject line "JLPA Recommendations - [insert your name here]" CONTACT INFORMATION FOR ALL RECOMMENDATIONS MUST BE PROVIDED BELOW. Recommendations can be from a pastor, professor, former WomanPreach! participant, mentor, etc. RECOMMENDATIONS MUST be provided by a professional or former WomanPreach! participant.

If you have any questions or issues completing your application, please email us at programs@womanpreach.org or call us at 740-500-4187.
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