Application form for the call for participants: STREET-BASED YOUTH WORK Erasmus+ KA1 Youth worker mobility 08-12.02.2017 Ljubljana Slovenia
CYA KRIK issues: Call for 2 participants PARTNERSHIP BUILDING ACTIVITY (PBA): STREET-BASED YOUTH WORK Erasmus+ KA1 Youth worker mobility Capacity building and exchange of good practices in the field of street-based youth work
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Name and surname *
Date of birth *
Contact e-mail *
Contact telephone number *
What is your experience in youth work? Share some examples with us from the youth work activities you delivered? With which target group do you usually work? Which organization from Macedonia (where you delivered youth work activities) would you choose to give you reference if needed? *
What is youth work for you? What do you think about youth work in Macedonia? How is developed till now and how should be developed in the future? *
Do you have any experience in street based youth work? If yes, where did you learn about it? Where did you implemented it and how? *
What other approaches have you used while providing youth work activities? *
What is your motivation for attending this training course? *
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