50 Miles More Volunteering
50 Miles More is a youth led initiative. In Massachusetts, this five day event will begin in Worcester and end in Springfield, MA. We need many many adult volunteers to accomplish our goal. Please help us by signing up to volunteer here and sharing this event with your friends and family.

The dates are August 22-26. On August 22nd all the student Marchers will gather in Worcester to get check in and get ready for the march. Students will spend the night together and travel together, to the start of the march, the next morning.

The actual march starts on August 23 all the way to the 26th. However, on the 26th we are only walking a few miles, leading into a rally at Smith & Wesson.

Volunteers are provided lodging if needed. Volunteers are not required to stay the entire 5 days, and can come and go as much their volunteer roles and schedule allows. Lodging will primarily be at churches and community buildings of the town we pass through.

Email massachusetts@50milesmore.org with any more questions.
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