MSF Innovation Projects
We need your help to map MSF innovation projects
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Title of the project *
Category of the project *
Brief description of the project *
Describe your project in one sentence.
Describe the specific challenge or problem you want to address. *
Describe your proposed solution. *
To which context/s does your project apply? *
For example, emergency response, hospital use, urban settings, cholera management, etc
Please enter 3-5 keywords that best describe your project. *
Please separate them with a comma. You do not need to include the country focus of your project.
The innovation process
At which stage of the innovation process is the project at? *
Project start date *
Do not worry about the specific day. Month and year is fine.
Project end date
If ongoing or current, skip to the next question and choose 'Yes'
Is the project ongoing / current?
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Please choose which MSF operational centres are involved in this project
Is the project linked to any of the following MSF units?
If the department / unit isn't represented in this list, please click other and add it manually.
Please list any external project partnerships or collaborations
Separate multiple answers with a comma.
Which countries does the project focus on / where would it be implemented? *
If more than one country, please separate with a comma. If the project aims to have a global impact, please just answer, 'global'.
In which country is the project management based? *
If more than one country, please separate with a comma. If the project has global contribution, please just answer, 'global'.
Is the project open for collaboration? *
Are you looking for input and collaboration from other people and groups?
Can these project details be shared outside MSF? *
Web links to the project or other documentation (if any)
If you add more than one link, please separate with commas.
Please feel free to leave any other information you think may be relevant.
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