B Local Registration
This registration is here to connect you with your local B Local. If you would like to form a B Local in your area, please contact community@bcorporation.uk.

Please only complete the form if you are happy for your details to be shared with B Lab UK and the members of your selected B Local.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Which B Local would you like to join? *
What is your full name? *
What is your email address? *
Work emails only please!
What is your job title? *
Which organisation do you work for? *
Please select the option which is most applicable to you and your organisation. If you are selecting Pending B Corp, please follow this link to ensure this is correct. *
If you have selected 'My organisation is a Certified B Corp', please provide a link to your B Corp Directory Profile  (optional)
Please let us know your areas of interest and what you're most excited about to learn from your fellow B Corps
How did you hear about our B Locals? (optional)
If you selected 'Other' please provide more detail below (optional)
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