Hey there! We at Catalyst Counseling would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve your overall experience with Catalyst Counseling. Your comments will not be shared outside of Catalyst Counseling and will not be posted online or elsewhere.
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Your Name *
Your Clinician's Name *
How likely is it that you would recommend Catalyst Counseling to a friend or colleague? *
Not at all likely
Extremely likely
How do/did you feel about your experience with your therapist(s)?
How do/did you feel about your experience with the administrative staff?
Anything we can do to make your experience at Catalyst Counseling better?
If you would like us to follow up with you, please leave your email and/or phone number here:
We sincerely appreciate your feedback and take every response seriously. We will use the information provided above to improve clients' experience at Catalyst Counseling. Thanks again!
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