Transy Esports Summer Camp 2024
Join us on Transy’s campus this summer for an esports camp for middle school students where you will learn gaming strategies, how to build and maintain gaming computers, and broadcast/commentate gameplay footage!

Contact Info:
Camp Director/Esports Program Coordinator Dylan Osborne:
(502) 514-6404

Transylvania University Department of Public Safety:
(859) 233‑8118
Email *
Thanks for your interest in our camp! Unfortunately, all spots are full for our camp. Please feel free to complete the form to express your child's interest in attending our camp to be entered for a waiting list if any spots become available! *
What is the name of the student that will be attending our camp? (Please submit a second form for additional students) *
What grade will your student be in the Fall? *
What school will you student be attending in the Fall?  *
What is the name of the student's parents? *
Who is approved to pick your child up at the end of each day of camp? 
What is your cell phone number? *
What is your home address? *
Will your child need any medications administered during camp hours? (8:30am-5:30pm) Please list approved medications in the "other" field. *
Does you child have any food allergies or dietary restrictions we should be aware of? Please list any allergies or dietary restrictions we should be aware of in the "other" field. *
What experience does your child have with esports? *
What is your child most excited about learning or doing at this camp? *
Is there anything else that would be helpful for us to know about your child?
Transy Esports Camp Waiver
I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor child identified above and the child is presently under my care and custody and I consent to the child's participation in the event identified above and to his or her full participation in all activities that are part of or incident to attendance at the event. I understand the child's participation in the event may involve physical activity, including physical activities that may include risks or inherent dangers that could result in personal bodily injury, illness and/or death. Additionally, illnesses and infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, present risks that cannot be fully mitigated, particularly in group settings, where the risk of transmission may be increased. I, for myself and on behalf of the child, hereby and forever waive, release, discharge, hold harmless, promise not to sue and promise to indemnify Transylvania University and its officers, faculty, members, employees, staff, agents, representatives, affiliates, contractors, and volunteers (collectively, the "Representatives") from any and all obligations, liabilities, claims, demands, costs, and expenses, including attourneys' fees, or demands of any kind and nature whatsoever which may arise while participating in the event and activities incident thereto, except where resulting from the gross negligence of Transylvania University and/or its representatives. 

I authorize Transylvania University, through any of its Representatives in their sole discretion, to act for me to seek medical attention in the event of physical injury or illness and consent to the treatments determined appropriate by any attending person from whom medical attention is sought (including physicians, nurses, emergency medical personnel and/or medical technicians). Transylvania University will attempt to contact me at the phone numbers listed above in the event of a physical injury or illness for which medical attention is sought if time and circumstances reasonably permit such contact. I understand that Transylvania University does not provide health insurance for me and I agree I am fully responsible for any medical care expenses. 

I grant Transylvania University and its Representatives the right to take photographs and produce audio and video recordings during any activities in which the child participates and to use his or her likeness or oral statements and biographical information for advertising and promotional purposes in promoting Transylvania University in any publications and other media in perpetuity, without notice, right of approval, or monetary compensation, unless otherwise required by law. I acknowledge that all such photographs and recordings will be property of Transylvania University.

In signing this Waiver and Consent, I acknowledge and represent that I have read it in its entirety, understand it, and sign it voluntarily as my own free act and deed; no oral representatives, statements, or inducements, apart from this Waiver and Consent has been made.
Thank you for submitting the registration form to confirm your students attendance of our Transy Esports Summer Camp!

Drop off for the camp will be 8:30am-9am and pickup will be 5:00pm-5:30pm on both days of the camp (July 15th & 16th.) Your student can be dropped off and picked up from the back circle on campus found at 430 W Fourth St Lexington, Ky 40508 Map Here
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