Occulture Retreat | 15th-20th October 2024 | San Leo (Italy)
This form is to pre-book your spot for Occulture Retreat. After you fill in the form we will get in touch with you via e-mail and send you more logistic and general details about the retreat. 
Remember that there are ONLY 66 spots in the retreat, and who will fill the form first will have the priority. 

The retreat will start on 15th October 2024 at 6 p.m. and it will end on 20th October at 6 p.m.
The retreat includes:
- 40 hours of practice, lectures, workshop and meditations guided by our chosen teachers
- a guided tour of the Cagliostro's fortress and the ancient village of San Leo
- 5 nights accommodation and 3 per day vegetarian meals

About the accommodation:
Nestled within 12 acres (5 hectares) of picturesque landscape, the location offers breathtaking mountain and sea views. It faces the historic gem of San Leo—acclaimed as “the most beautiful town in Italy” by Nobel Laureate Umberto Eco. Originating as a 1980s hotel, the site evolved into the Osho Circle School from 2000-2016 and retains its essence for communal living. With 30 ensuite rooms, including 10 bungalows, the venue is finely tuned for retreat experiences. Location is a brief drive from the coastal town of Rimini, renowned for its Roman architecture and easily accessible from Milan and Bologna by train. The location is a 45 minute drive from Rimini’s Federico Fellini International Airport.
Each room provides cosy ambiance, ensuring a restful stay amidst the lush and tranquil surroundings. There are common rooms for practice, a swimming pool, massage room and more enjoyable facilities.

The price for the retreat is 889 Euros all included. It is possible to pay in instalments, more infos will follow in the form. 

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Personal Infos: 
- Name
- Country of Origin
- Date of Birth
E-Mail Address *
In the retreat are offered 3 meals per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner), all of them will have a vegan/vegetarian option. Food is sourced and prepared from local, organic ingredients and the style of kitchen will be of course Italian.
What's your dietary preference/restriction?
The idea of the retreat is to create and strengthen our community, so rooms will be shared between 2 or 3 people. If you have a specific need for a single room, please indicate briefly the reason below, and consider that there will be an extra cost on top of the general cost of the retreat. If you are OK with sharing the room, you do not need to answer this question.
Do you have a preference for room sharing? Please indicate your preferences and the name(s) of the person(s) you'd like to share the room with. (It can also be communicated in further e-mails).
How would you prefer to pay the retreat fee?
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Magical Preferences: 
We would like to create this retreat based also on the preferences and attitudes of our community, therefore we will choose our teachers also based on the answers you give to the following questions.

Is there a particular occult/esoteric tradition you are 
connected with?
Is there a particular occult/esoteric tradition you would like to explore deeper?
Is there a speaker/practitioner you would suggest as your favourite teacher/guide for the retreat?
THANK YOU for filling out this form. We will get in touch with you via e-mail very soon. Please double check your e-mail address is written correctly and also spam inbox if you do not see any email arriving from Occulture Conference Retreat in the next 14 days.

Feel free to write below if there is something important for you that we forgot in the previous questions.
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