Quiz 8. Human Health & Disease
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1 point
Consider all statement and find correct statement from these
I.   It infect and destroy helper T cell 
II.  HIV is retrovirus
III. New antiretroviral drugs can cure this disease
1 point
Find incorrect statement regarding HIV and AIDS *
1 point
After getting into the body of the person, the virus enters into ............. where RNA genome of the virus replicates 
1 point
Which cell is known as HIV factory ? *
1 point
HIV progressively decrease the number of which cells in infected person ? *
1 point
Which of the following disease is related to a statement " Don't die of ignorance"  *
1 point
HIV is a member of group of viruses, this group is called as... *
1 point
The immune-deficiency become marked once the HIV starts destroying.... *
1 point
At what stage of HIV infection does one usually show symptoms of AIDS *
1 point
A person is suspected to be suffering from acquired immuno deficiency syndrome, which Diagnostic technique will you recommend for detection....
1 point
Transmission of HIV does not occur by which of the following ?
1 point
Individual who is not at high risk of AIDS can be
1 point
NACO stands for .... *
1 point
To infect human cells, HIV.....
1 point
Identify the figure and try to match the answers *
4 points
Captionless Image
Viral DNA is produced from RNA by reverse transcriptase
Viral RNA is introduced into the host cell
New viral RNA is produced by the infected cell
Viral DNA incorporates into host genome
Among the following symptoms which one is not of AIDS  *
1 point
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