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5x Tables
Learn your tables and test yourself now!
NOTE: Write your answers using numbers, not words. Don't put any spaces or other characters in your answer or it will be marked wrong.
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Watch the video below and try the quiz. Good luck!
5 x 5
1 point
Your answer
5 x 4
1 point
Your answer
5 x 7
1 point
Your answer
5 x 1
1 point
Your answer
5 x 2
1 point
Your answer
5 x 3
1 point
Your answer
5 x 6
1 point
Your answer
5 x 11
1 point
Your answer
5 x 7
1 point
Your answer
5 x 8
1 point
Your answer
5 x 12
1 point
Your answer
5 x 9
1 point
Your answer
5 x 10
1 point
Your answer
5 x 6
1 point
Your answer
5 x 12
1 point
Your answer
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