Volunteer Mentor Matching Form
This information may be used to match you with students who have similar interests or an interest in an area of work or education that you have experience with.
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Email *
Your Name *
Do any of your children or grandchildren attend this ASPIRE Site? Please tell us their name(s) and grade level(s).
Are there any students that you would be preferred to be matched with? Please list.
Briefly describe your experience with college or other post-high school training, work, education, or volunteer experience.
Please list any special skills or interests that might be shared with a student (examples: art, music, science, math, hobbies).
Would you rather be matched with students who have specific goals or with youth who have more general interests? Think about your comfort level, experience, and special skills.
Meeting Times:
Please remember that you must meet with students in the College and Career Center (Room 1201) or in the Library at Forest Grove High School, Monday through Friday during school hours (7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.).
How many students are you hoping to be mentor?
How much time are you hoping to volunteer? (i.e. per week)
Generally, when are you available to meet with students (days and times)?
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