Removing Barriers Workshop at GracePointe - Booth Registration
September 14, 2024; Workshop begins at 9am with information booths needing to be set up by 10:30am. 
Booth Costs: 
  • $15 Donation to the church = a reserved space with a table will be available for you to set up your items
  • $5 donation = a reserved space for you to bring your own table
  • Can’t make the event, but still have information to share? Drop off any business cards or brochures by Sept 6 to the church office and we will make sure they are available the day of the workshop.

Reserve a lunch by Sept 7 for $7/person.

Tables need to be ready by 10:30 am; individuals will have time to stop by your booth before and after lunch.
Registration fees can be paid at: (follow the link to "donate now" and then choose "Children's Workshop).

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Would you like to reserve a lunch for $7 per person?
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