Recruitment Drive | Toshal Infotech | Computer & related disciplines
Toshal Infotech is best known for its Creativity, Design, Website, Mobile and Software Development. With an innovative, creative and pragmatic approach, software development at Toshal Infotech is no less than an exciting and engaging process. We have an in-built knack for delivering high-performance websites, mobile and software applications - of all sizes and complexities.

In more simple terms, we make compelling products & provides the services that scale to our client’s business needs.

To make this possible, Toshal Infotech has a highly qualified in-house team of developers who retain deep domain expertise at delivering the best, top-of-the-class solutions and products to a wide client base across the globe.


Asp.Net Developer

Logically sharp
Excellent with Asp.Net, C# and SQL basics
Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills

Location: Bhatar, Surat

Flexible Working Hours: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM [1st and 3rd Saturday are off]

service agreement of 12 months [Applicable to - Those who are having the experience less than 1.5 Years]
From the day of joining, the initial 15 days - You will be on trial period - You will be judged on the grounds of your performance - behavioral and technical skills. [Applicable to - Freshers]
Failure in any of the above-mentioned aspects will make an impact in the wrong manner, it may cause unemployment.

Branch: Information & Technology, Computer Engineering or any other relevant branches

Package: 10k - 25k /Month (No deductions except PT)

Recruitment Process:

1. Pre-placement talk
2. Basic HR round  [will ask a few technical and non-technical questions as well as behavioral questions]  Remaining rounds will be covered at the office of Toshal Infotech only.
3. Aptitude test
4. Technical round
5. Practical round
6. HR round


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First Name    Middle name   Surname *
(E.g. Priyanka Kaushikbhai Trivedi)
Name of College *
(e.g. Pacific School of Engineering, Kadodara-Surat)
Enr. Number *
Unique identity number provided by College / University
Graduation Discipline
(e.g. BE Computer, BCA, BE IT, etc)
Year of Passing Graduation *
Use format YYYY  (e.g. 2020)
Job Position Applying for *
Latest / Final Result (CGPA / CPI / %) *
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Contact No *
Home Town *
Address in Brief (e.g. Bhatar, Surat)
I have read the intern/job profile and I am really interested for it. I understand that I am applying for the "internship/job" because I want it and I am not applying just for an interview experience. *
I will surely join the company on the final selection. I understand that If I do not join the company, I might ruin the opportunity for other candidates who is in desperate need of the internship/job.
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