SciFlow Trial Request for institutions
Thank you very much for your interest in SciFlow.

We provide free trials on an institutional level. You may request an institutional trial as a member of the library, data center, administration, or similar departments.

To request a free institutional trial, please fill out this form. We will get in touch with you shortly.
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Email *
 Start date *
Please tell us when you would like to start your trial period. If you are not sure yet, just fill out the most likely date and we can talk about it.
Name of your Institution *
How many potential users do you have at your institution? *
Please count all members of your academic staff and all enrolled students.
The country the institution is based in *
Website of the institution
Referral - How did you hear about us?
If you have been referred by someone or a SciFlow partner, please add their name here. If you don't have been referred, please enter "no partner"
Your Name *
Your Position / job title *
Your Phone *
Preferred hours for a Zoom call *
Please provide a short name of the institution for the URL to access SciFlow
e.g. short name "uni-wow" -->
Please provide the email pattern of the institution
All students and employees get access with their institutional email (e.g. *
Please provide the IP range of the institution
Do you have any more questions?
If you have open questions that you want to leave here or just something else to say to us, feel free to put it in here.
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