35below Event Application
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Email *
Event Name/Title *
Event Details
Please provide a brief description of your event. Include information on content warnings if applicable.
What is the name of your Organization? *
Preferred Performance Slot 1
Slots are built with the intention of scheduling rehearsals during the week prior to opening, and a two-weekend show run.

Friday and Saturday shows will have a 7:30pm start, and Sundays will have a 2:30pm start.
Slots are built with the intention of scheduling a max of four rehearsals during the week prior to opening, and a two-weekend show run. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday shows will have a 7:30pm start, and Sundays will have a 2:30pm start.
Preferred Performance Slot 2
Slots are built with the intention of scheduling rehearsals during the week prior to opening, and a two-weekend show run.

Friday and Saturday shows will have a 7:30pm start, and Sundays will have a 2:30pm start.
Organizer First and Last Name *
Organizer Phone Number (XXX) XXX-XXXX *
Organizer Email Address *
Stage Manager First and Last Name
Stage Manager Phone Number
Stage Manager Email Address
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