Want Me to Create an Affiliate Program for Your Company?
I have the largest audience of affiliate marketers in the world. If your company has a good product or service, I can develop an affiliate program for your company, and absolutely explode your customer acquisition efforts by creating marketing materials for every single traffic source, getting the right affiliates to promote you, and training in-house affiliate managers to manage the entire process for you.
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Yearly Company Revenue? *
Whats your main offer or site URL? *
Whats commission % or CPA can you offer for referred sales? *
How much budget can your company allocate to the development and personnel costs for an affiliate program?
Costs of starting an affiliate program include development (CRM integrations, tracking/fraud detection, etc), personnel (recruitment of an affiliate manager/s, salary, etc), video editing/production for creatives, web/site/ad creatives, a deposit for future affiliate commissions payments, and flight/travel expenses for myself to  meet with you in-person. All costs would be expensed
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Your name, title, and best way to contact? *
Anything else I should know?
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