Thailand Gastric sleeve by DOODEE CENTER
Please kindly answer the preliminary questionnaire. To send information to a medical professional for evaluation before consulting in the form Online

You can ask for more information at
Line Official : @doodeecenter
Facebook Fan page : Thailand Gastrics Sleeve
whatsapp : +66902527778

"Because we only have one body Start taking care of yourself today DOODEECENTER"
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Email *
Full Name (As Per Passport) *
Birth Date
Gender *
Whatsapp Number  
Body Weight (In Kg's) *
Height (In CM)
Preferred Language *
What Procedures Do You Require? You may select more than one. *
What Results Do You Want To Achieve? *
Have you previously had cosmetic surgery? *
Do You Have Any Questions For The Surgeon? *
Diabetes or blood sugar problems? *
Please clarify diabetes / blood sugar problems *
Thyroid problems?
Heart problems?
Lung problems?
Blood pressure problems?
Kidney or liver problems?
Blood disorders?
Previous/current history of cancer
Nervous breakdowns/Depression?
Neurological problems?
Anaesthesia problems?
Do you suffer from Sleep Apnea? (Breathing stops for a period of time during sleep)
Have you ever had a Stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)?
Have you have had any medical conditions not mentioned above
Are You Female And Requiring Breast Surgery and/or Tummy Tuck Surgery?
Have you been hospitalized, had surgery or received medical care within the past 5 years (including cosmetic surgery)?
Do you have implants or metal objects in your body?
If you answered "Yes" to the above, please specify.
Do you have difficulty with healing or scarring?
Do you have any allergies to food, drugs etc?
List all medications you currently take and dosage you take for each.
List all vitamins or food/nutritional supplements you currently take and dosage.
Have you ever taken a MAO inhibitor such as Nardil, Marplan or Parnate?
Have you ever taken Daily Coumadin, Daily Heparin or Daily Aspirin?
Do You Smoke?
Do You Drink Alcohol?
When would you like to schedule the surgery? *

 I declare that I have truthfully completed the entirety of this form and that I have not made any purposeful omissions.
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