填妥以上表格後,請安排寄件給我們,我們會盡快處理並以inbox / whatsapp聯絡你 (一般收件後2-5工作天),或請whatsapp我們以作跟進。如你選擇了到尖沙咀退/ 換,我們會再跟你預約,謝謝你。
We would whatsapp / inbox you shortly after receiving the form above. Please contact us if we don't in 2 days. If you choose to return / exchange in TST in person, we would schedule it with you further, thanks so much.
請把產品退回到以下地址 Please return it to the following address
+852 9561 2802
香港新界葵涌大連排道83號K83 1505室
Flat 1505, 15/F, K83, 83 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Ching, N.T, HONG KONG