NIRMAN Youth Emotions Questionnaire

There is nothing more universal than emotions. Something that connects all humans across all timelines, across all ages, across all domains, all castes, and all races, are emotions. Emotions are an integral part of who we are, they influence our relationships, work, our psychological well-being, our physical health, our values, and most importantly our connection with ourselves. But despite the immense importance of emotions, we rarely introspect about our emotional world. 

NIRMAN introduces first of its kind questionnaire to help you explore your inner emotional world. It will take 10 minutes to fill out this questionnaire and you will get a personalized report of your emotional world at the end.

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I understand and agree that the data collected as part of this questionnaire will neither be shared with any other party nor be used for any commercial purposes. In addition to creating the report for me, the data may be used for scientific/academic purposes for enhancing the understanding about the topic of Youth Flourishing and emotions in Youth *
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