First Friday Entertainer Registration Form
Hello and thank you for your interest in being an entertainer for events in Downtown Coatesville!

Currently we are seeking entertainers, Dj's and Bands for our First Fridays May - October 2024. There may be additional opportunities through out the year. Please fill out the information below if you are interested in being an entertainer for our First Fridays or future events in Downtown Coatesville.

***Please note, other popular events and businesses in The City of Coatesville contract their own entertainers independently, and should be reached out to directly.

Please fill out this form, and someone will be in touch with you soon!
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Artist /Band Name / DJ *
Contact Name *
Email *
Phone Number  *
Please describe what kind of music you play
What is your rate for a 2-3 hour event?
If your price negotiable? 
What are your social media handles? 
Which First Fridays are you interested in being an Entertainer for?   *
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