Registration for RHS 140th Anniversary
Kia ora,

Thank you for your interest in returning to Rangiora High School to celebrate the 140th anniversary on 18-19 October. A small group of former pupils is organising some informal get-togethers which will provide a opportunity to 'mix and mingle' over a cup of tea during the weekend of several other local primary school anniversaries. Rangiora High School will hold a larger official event to celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2034.

There is a small registration fee of $20 to cover the costs of morning/afternoon tea and supper. You are welcome to pay $20 at the school office, or you can transfer $20 to the school's bank account using your name and the reference code RHS140.

School Bank Account Number:
12 - 3149 - 0228242 - 00

To register, please enter your details below. We look forward to seeing you.

Nga mihi,

Adrienne McGowan
(Student: 1966-1970, Staff: 1997-2019)

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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Previous Names (e.g. maiden name)
Years attended RHS *
Please indicate which session/s you will be attending *
Contact telephone number *
Street Address *
Any other comments or questions?
PRIVACY STATEMENT: I understand that the information I have entered will only be used for the purpose of organising the RHS 140th anniversary celebration. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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