EARN-A-BIKE Sign-up 2023-2024

Earn-A-Bike After school program
Work on and restore an bike while learning mechanic techniques
125 Larkspur st Suite #119 San Rafael, CA 94901 - Trips for Kids Bay Area warehouse
Folks who would benefit from earning a bike
Folks who would benefit from mentorship and building confidence
Folks who are able to make it to our warehouse location
Evening Daylight months(Some months excluded due to camps, holidays and school breaks)
8 Classes per month, 2 per week. Tuesday and Thursday


Programa extracurricular Earn-A-Bike Trabajar en la restauración de una bicicleta mientras se aprenden técnicas de mecánica


 125 Larkspur St, Suite #119, San Rafael, CA 94901 - Almacén de Trips for Kids Bay Area


Personas que se beneficiarían de ganarse una bicicleta Personas que se beneficiarían de mentoría y desarrollar su confianza Personas que pueden llegar a nuestra ubicación en el almacén


Messes de luz diurna por la tarde (Algunos meses excluidos debido a campamentos, días festivos y vacaciones escolares)

 8 clases al mes, 2 por semana. Martes y jueves 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM

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Name *
How old are you?
How tall are you?
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Phone number
Parent/Guardian Email
School - Partner Agency - How did you learn about us?
I would like to join for the month of:
Do you know how to ride?
Can you attend the full four weeks?
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