ISB Volunteer Registration Form
Dear Friend

We are delighted you want to volunteer for ISB. For both your safety and our clients, we need to keep detail records of all our volunteers. Whether you are over 18 years or a junior, you must register your details by completing the form below.

Any child aged between 10 years and 18 years must have parental consent to volunteer in an ISB activity.

You will need to familiarise yourself with some of the main ISB policies and procedures including Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults, Health and Safety, Accident reporting, use of photographic images and protocols to follow within the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Your Project Leader will advise which of the policies/procedures are most important relating to your role.

You can access many of these policies on the ISB website - 

Thank you
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Islamic Society of Britain
First name *
Surname *
Mobile number *
Email address *
Are you a current ISB Member? i.e. paying a subscription *
Date of birth *
Are you over 18 years old? *
If you are under 18 years of age, please confirm parents/guardian details (First name and surname)
If under 18 years, email address of parent/guardian
If under 18 years, mobile phone number of parent/guardian
Where do you live? Please select the nearest locality *
Would you be willing to travel from your locality to another locality to volunteer? *
Do you have any of the following qualifications *
If you have had a recent DBS check, please provide the current certificate number
What other languages do your speak fluently?
Do you have any disability or health problems? *
If you have a disability or health problem which may affect your volunteering task please give brief details below
How can I help? (Please tick where relevant)* *
What transport do you have ? *
Emergency contact - Name, relationship with you and mobile number *
Anything else you would like to add
Please tick if you agree for your data to be stored and  used only for communicating about ISB voluntary work, future ISB Events and you are over 18 years old *
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