COGEL Conference Demographic Data
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Conference Tracker
An initiative of the Committee on Gender Equity in Linguistics (COGEL, formerly COSWL)
The Conference Tracker is a repository for conference-related data on representation in linguistics. The questions in this survey are all optional. No personally identifying information about survey participants will be collected. Data will be securely stored and only accessible to COGEL Conference Tracker subcommittee members for the purpose of data analysis for the conference tracker project. More details can be found on the Frequently Asked Questions page:
Conference *
Year *
How many abstracts did you submit? / How many presentations are you giving? At the Call for Papers stage: count all submitted abstracts, single- or co-authored. At the conference presentation stage: count all accepted talks or posters, single- or co-authored.
Role:  Select the most appropriate option(s) at present.
What is your current employment status
Clear selection
What are your research interests? (mark all that apply)
What country do you reside in?
How do you define your gender? (mark all that apply)
Do you identify as transgender?
Clear selection
How do you define your sexuality? (mark all that apply)
How do you define your race and ethnicity? (Use 'Other' if none apply)
If you identify as indigenous, please use this space to provide any additional information about your nation, tribe, or group affiliation
Are you the first in your family to go to college?
Clear selection
Are you responsible for 50% or more of care for a dependent
Clear selection
Have you been diagnosed with any disability or impairment?
Clear selection
If you have been diagnosed with a disability or impairment, please select which of the following have been diagnosed. (Mark all that apply)
Thank you for completing the survey!  Please use the box below for any comments or feedback. Additional information about the survey, its goals, results, and the wording of some specific questions, can be found in our FAQ page: 
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