2023 A Sacred Passing Teaching Crew
same old same old, or maybe totally new, please complete this form with answers that are the best for you.  the knowledge you carry in your mind, body and heart- when shared keeps us from fallin apart!
Thank you for wanting to teach, together we expand our reach.

2022/2023 ASP Teaching Crew Onboarding Guide

We use a platform called thinkific and it's really really great for online teaching and courses... but stupid expensive, so we try to share it with as many people as possible.  Funds are routed per purchase, and all done by the system, it's magic .... or just really friendly programming<3

You may have questions, if so, holla at Lashanna or Summer:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Please include your full name and, if you'd like, any additional name and/or pronouns
Additional Name(s)
Please include the full name and, if you'd like, any additional name and/or pronouns of another point-person for the group
I have received the ASP guidebook for teaching crew already (linked in the description above). *
I would like to keep my offer the same as last year. *
Thank you for your interest in sharing your time and talents! For those new to teaching with ASP, please share a little bit about what you'd like to teach / facilitate...
Skip to the next section if you are returning to the teaching crew with no changes to your offerings. <3
I would like to offer a LIVE virtual...
We use Zoom, there is an option for recording, and AI subtitles/transcript for all LIVE offerings.
Clear selection
I would like to offer recorded content that people can watch and pay me for over and over!
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Project Details
Please share ideas of the project whether they are concrete or still in thought.
What Amount(s) or Sliding Scale will you charge for an individual and/or group to access this offering?
Please consider ways pricing can uplift and sustain you! It's okay if you don't know or haven't decided yet. For support in determining your rates, here is an anti-capitalist resource for you to consider: http://www.bearcoaches.com/freely
If we can get funding, what would the cost be for you to run fully enrolled course?
Almost done! Share availability & feedback with ASP in these last questions...
What access needs do you have that ASP can support to help you feel supported in teaching? *
For example, communication preferences, live transcript, admin support, accountability, etc.
Please share general availability for meeting with the ASP Board to review curriculum / event offerings: *
Include day(s) of the week, time(s), and communication preferences.
Please share general availability for seasonal (quarterly) collaboration meetings with the ASP teaching crew: *
ASP teaching crew are asked to participate in ongoing collaboration and curriculum review (unless otherwise arranged). *
Annual Values and Accountability Review*
Please include a detailed description of how this project is going in relationship to A Sacred Passing. Examples of suggested topics: how has this workshop / class / event been living out the mission and values of ASP?, community feedback, community partnerships and relationships, conflict, updates or shifts in process, etc. (*Ongoing Crew Only)
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