United Academics of Philadelphia: Petition to the Attorney General of Pennsylvania to Investigate the Closure of University of the Arts

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To the Honorable Michelle Henry, Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:

We, the signers below, request you take immediate action in your capacity as the Commonwealth’s senior law enforcement official to investigate any and all criminal wrongdoing and potential fraud or malfeasance related to the collapse of the University of the Arts.  The sudden closure of UArts, a Philadelphia university with a 150-year history, resulted in the abandonment of 1,500-plus students, many of whom had already paid tuition or deposits, and job losses for more than 700 faculty and staff members.

As you are aware, the University of the Arts announced its impending closure on May 31, 2024 with no explanations beyond vague references to financial difficulties. Since then, University leadership’s actions cruelly dismissed students, alumni, and current employees alike. At every turn, the UArts Board of Trustees and their expensive consultants have stonewalled regarding what caused this catastrophe. It wasn’t until the actual day of closure, on June 7, 2024, that the University even acknowledged in writing that students no longer had a school to attend or that the vast majority of faculty and staff were no longer employed.

The closure of the University of the Arts was conducted with complete disregard for the clear layoff provisions in the University’s Collective Bargaining Agreement with the UArts Faculty Union. It occurred amidst ongoing first contract negotiations with the UArts Staff Union. Both unions are part of the United Academics of Philadelphia (AFT 9608), and remaining UArts administrators have canceled obligatory impact bargaining sessions required under federal regulations. 

The University of the Arts has provided little public information related to its financial collapse and imminent closure and subsequent loss of accreditation from the Middle States Council on Higher Education. Nevertheless, the University engaged in frequent marketing campaigns about its viability and prestige, grew its real estate and investment portfolio to a $200M valuation, and placed multiple members on its Board of Trustees with significant financial and real estate development experience – individuals who would and should have been expected to exercise greater care and oversight of University operations. 

We call on you to exercise the powers of your office to determine whether University Trustees, including UArts Board Chair Judson A. Aaron (2016-2024), have met established standards of fiduciary trust and responsibility in their oversight of the University. Furthermore, we ask you to investigate whether senior leaders of the University engaged in, through deception, negligence, fraud or incompetence, any malpractice in their leadership of the University, including former UArts Presidents Sean T. Buffington (2007-2014), David Yager (2014-2023), and Kerry Walk (2023-2024), as well as former UArts Chief Financial Officers Steven J. Lightcap (2011-2023), Bryant Morgan (2023-2024), and Eric Leal (2024). 

We thank you for your attention in this matter, and appreciate our shared commitment to transparency, accountability, and justice for communities affected by the closure of the University of the Arts.


Daniel Pieczkolon, President, and Members of United Academics of Philadelphia, American Federation of Teachers Local 9608 and undersigned supporters:

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