Warriors and Warlords 29 Feedback!
Thank you for attending the Event!   This survey is to get your view on what worked well and should be repeated, what didn't work, and what to do differently. Your responses will be summarized in the event report and used for planning next year. 
  • None of the questions are required. 
Actual people will be reading your feedback. Constructive, even critical feedback is welcome, but not cruel or mean. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Who are you? 
SCA Name: No Titles Please (not required)
Would you like to have an individual conversation with the Event Stewards?
Please contact me at: email, FB, text, etc
What was your role at the event? Attendee, teacher, volunteer, party goer? 
Was communication about the event  before the event  timely and effective? What worked well?  What didn't work?
If you Pre Registered
Did the process work well? What didn't work well? 
Was communication during the event effective? Were you able to get a  hold of event staff? What changes are needed?

Is there anything that needs repair or replacement?

What should the event consider purchasing? 

Site Layout! Suggestions?

Schedule? Suggestions? What worked well?

Schedule? Suggestions? What Didn't worked well?

Did you Stay on site? 
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How did set up go for you? What would be helpful? Any suggestions for changes?
How did take down and packing out go for you? What would be helpful? Any suggestions for changes?
What worked well at the event? What did you like the most? 
What aspect of the event didn't work well? What did you like the least? 
Who needs a thank you? 
Last Question! Anything else you'd like to add? 
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